

Saturday, July 23, 2011

Scout 50 Miler

Seth went on a 50 mile hike with his scout troop to Desolation Wilderness. From the name, it would seem as if they would be hiking in the desert, however that was not the case. They actually had to cut the hike short due to all of the snow along the trail. They were able to hike approximately 25 miles in total. I guess they will have to try again to do another 50-miler when the snow has melted.

Here are the boys and leaders who went and their nicknames.

Baily--Broken Pole
Drake--Pretty Boy
Nick P.--Turtle
Ryan--Big Red
Nick W.--Gimpy
Bro. Keables
Bro. Lupton
Bro. Grimes
Bishop Wright

Since I wasn't with Seth on the hike, I thought I would ask him some questions to help us all know how the hike went. Enjoy the great pictures and his responses!

What was your favorite thing about the hike?

"Annoying the leaders."

What was your least favorite thing?

"Hiking in the snow and not catching a fish."

What was the most fun about the hike?

"Walking on the ice with bare feet." (I'm sure there is a story here.)

What was not fun about the hike?

"Waking up each morning."

*Check out the picture of Seth on the middle left--he is talking on the phone, to his MOM! What a sweet boy. Hearing his voice was awesome! I'm so glad I was his one phone call.

What is the one thing you were glad that you had on the hike?

"Aloe Vera"

What is one thing you wish you had brought with you on the hike?

"An ATV or my iPod"

I LOVE this picture--it's such a "Seth" thing to do.

What was the best food you ate?


What was the worst food you ate?

"Dehydrated Lasagna"

Would you change anything about the hike?

"The length and having to carry a backpack."

Would you do it again?

"NOPE! Well, maybe in a couple of years."

When they arrived back in town the leaders took all the scouts to eat at In N Out Burger--YUM!

These pictures made me wish I could have gone--however, I'm not fond of the snow. I guess I'll just keep enjoying the pictures!

Many thanks to the Keables and Wrights for the great pictures.

1 comment:

yota_96 said...

This would not be complete without pointing out that while it was sweet that Seth got to call and talk to his Mom, he was supposed to be telling her that they were coming home a day early!! Ooops!