

Thursday, July 7, 2011


We found some time during the summer to go on a family camping trip. Our plan was to go to Lake Philbrook, but because of the snow the campground wasn't open yet. So, we had to settle for Cherry Hill campground this year. My sister, her kids, and my parents joined us.

Isn't camping great! You get to learn all sorts of life skills--such as chopping down your very own dead tree. I'm all for keeping the kids busy and active--no need to say, "I'm bored"--go play with the ax!

We did take a day trip to Lake Philbrook during our camping trip because we really missed not going to our usual spot. It was BEAUTIFUL! If you look closely in the pictures you can still see snow on the banks of the lake. The water was freezing, but the kids still enjoyed themselves. Kiana was even able to find some snow to ride her bike through.

You can always find things to amuse yourself with while cohabiting in the family tent--brushing teeth, reading a book, flash light tag, and hide & go seek kept us busy while we were condensed in our small sleeping quarters.

Don't forget to bring the hot chocolate while camping. It keeps your belly warm and a smile on your face.

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