

Friday, December 3, 2010

Hot Breakfast!

Andrea has enjoyed having a Hot Pocket for breakfast before she heads off to early morning seminary. Each "Pocket" comes with a small bit of advice. Here are just a few:

* Having a hot breakfast is proven to increase the snappiness of your comebacks. (Based on a hunch)

* People who eat a hot breakfast smile 3 times more often than those who don't. (Based on imaginary research)

This Next one is dedicated to our friends the Wrights. If only we could have given this to them before their trip! :)

* People who eat a Hot breakfast are more likely to win big in Vegas. (According to totally made-up survey results)

Stay tuned for more inspiring quotes to help you throughout your day!

1 comment:

yota_96 said...

Oh how different things could have been. . . *sigh*

- Kami