

Friday, February 6, 2009

7 Stitches

We took a trip to Enloe Outpatient Care this past Wednesday.

Kiana was enjoying a bike ride with Andrea, when Andrea stopped suddenly in front of her. Kiana then crashed into the back of Andrea's bike, throwing Kiana off of her bike and landing her VERY HARD on the pavement. I think Kiana was in shock. When she came into the house to tell me she had fallen she wasn't even crying. After looking at the deep cut on her chin I knew that stitches were in order.We had gone through stiches before with my son, Seth, TWICE! However, Aaron was the one to take him to have the stitches done--this time it was my turn--I still took Aaron with me for moral support.

Our timing at the outpatient care was perfect--they took us right in and prepared Kiana for the procedure. For those of you who don't know Kiana very well, she is soooo interested in anything medical. She loves seeing people's injuries and helping them when they are hurt. She is always asking questions about various health/body issues. I think we have a nurse or doctor in the making. Despite her injury she was wide-eyed and curious--enjoying the experience of being in a medical facility. After the 7 stitches were completed she was able to have her wrist x-rayed, which just added to her thrilling medical experience. The technician was great with her; allowing her to see her x-rays when they were finished. Kiana continues to tell us that it hardly hurt at all, although she squeezed my hand during the whole procedure.

We now have to clean, dry, and cover the wound for 7 days until the stitches are removed. Kiana does fuss a bit when it is happening but she still insists that it be done. She often wants to do it all herself. She continues to tell people that she has a "Starburst" on her chin since that is how the doctor described her cut due to the way it had split open.

When we came home that night from getting the stiches we walked into the kitchen and found Andrea & Seth making dinner for everyone. After going through this experience with Kiana, I felt so blessed to have such two thoughtful kids! Andrea even made Kiana some yummy valentine cupcakes to put a smile on her face--looks like it worked!


Heather said...

Poor Kiana! I wish I were there to have seen the stitches. Maybe we have a nurse in the making! I hope you are feeling better!

aaronalli said...

I love that the previous post was Andreas new bike, then Kiana getting stiches from riding her's. What a sweet family you have, makeing dinner while your a way. Are your kids for hire? J/K. Thaks for the invite to read your blog. If you want to check ours out it's