

Saturday, January 3, 2009

Christmas Eve

Our tradition every year for Christmas Eve is to go to Grandma Leila's and Grandpa Rick's house.

This year we enjoyed a delicious dinner with all the trimmings. We then headed over to the church for a Christmas pinata. (The cultural hall gave the cousins plenty of room to run around and pick up the fallen candy.) This year my sister Kathryn & her family were with us for the festivities. After the pinata was destroyed and all the candy was collected, we headed back to Grandma & Grandpa's for some Christmas carols. The grandkids then opened their present from their grandparents. The grownups then enjoyed a fun gift exchange. Oh, and you can't forget the wonderful desserts to finish off the evening. This year we were having so much fun, dessert was forgotten about--I guess we were enjoying the evening too much. We then headed home to put out the Christmas cookies and milk for Santa Claus.

Hurry to bed or Santa won't come!!! :)

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