

Monday, January 11, 2010

Happy 60th!

My Dad turned 60!

We decided to surprise him and bring all of his 7 kids together and celebrate his birthday. It was so much fun keeping it a surprise. My brother and sister came out from Utah and another sister came from Texas. The rest of us are from the Paradise/Chico area. We decided to all meet at Italian Cottage. My dad thought he was just meeting Aaron and I for dinner, but SURPRISE! We were ALL there! Yes, he was a bit emotional at first and then he completely enjoyed himself. It was a great way to give my dad a memorable 60th birthday. (Cute birthday crown!)

Ma & Pa

So, what do you give a man who turns 60? Well, one gift was a skycam so that he can now see his grandkids several states away. Family is what life is all about for my dad!

Make a wish!

The 5 sisters!

It was so much fun having all the kids together again. We've all grown up a bit, gotten married, had some kids, but it's wonderful to come home again and be together; even if it's only for a couple of days!

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